Volume Schedules
Introduction Available only on the Premium/Enterprise plan! This feature is only available on the “Pro/Enterprise” Plan. You might not see some menus below if you are not on the “Pro/Enterprise” Plan. Remember that the “Pro/Enterprise” Plan is free ...
Overscan Support for LED board screens and billboards
You can use a Player for LED screens and LED billboards. We have users running large LED displays using Players based on Raspberry Pi. To properly use an LED display, you must perform some calculations and configurations. Step 1: Setting the DVI ...
Resolution The Playbox (based on the Raspberry Pi) automatically detects the “preferred” resolution of the connected screen (usually its native resolution) on start-up. Sometimes, the resolution might not be detected properly. This might happen if ...
You can set the device to pass first from your own proxy server just by filling in the relative fields.
Static IPs
You can configure static network information on your device just by filling in the relative fields: IP Address, Netmask, Gateway, and DNS, both in Wired and in Wireless connection. Use Google DNS as Primary: Toggle to Enable or Disable the default ...
Advanced Configuration for 3G / 4G / LTE modems
Most modems will work out of the box just by plugging in your modem and configuring any required information (such as APN, username, password, and sim-card PIN). Nevertheless, there are cases where your modem might not be recognized by the system as ...
Configuration Steps If you like using a 3G/4G/LTE dongle on your player, use an Ethernet cable to set it up. The WiFi is interfering with the dongle and drops the connection of the dongle. You must first disable the WiFi on your player’s settings. ...
Configuring your player’s WiFi network by editing the SETTINGS.TXT file
Step-by-step procedure Hardcode the WiFi credentials to the player If you do not have an Ethernet cable or you cannot access the WIFi wizard for some reason, you can hardcode the WiFi credentials directly on the SD card. To do that, please follow the ...
Wireless Settings The Network tab contains the following wireless settings: Enable WiFi: Toggle to Enable or Disable the WiFi service WiFi Network Name: Type your router’s/access point’s WiFi name WiFi Mode: Choose the security mode that your ...
This section is available only for players based on Raspberry Pi. For other player types, this section won’t be displayed at all. In this section, you can configure your Player’s network settings. Wireless 3G/4G/LTE Proxy Static IPs
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